Sunday, August 9, 2009

GDR- Day 2 Southern New Mexico

We pointed the bikes North out of Silver City and into the Gila National Forest. The Gila is a mix of high desert and pinon covered mountains. We passed spectacular ranch after ranch, one more scenic than the next. All were old ranches, working horses and cattle the same way they had for 50 years. There was a strong Mexican feel as the Cowboys all spoke spanish and the architecture was very unique. Flat roofs, and stucko were the predominant building materials giving the homes a rustic look and texture.

As the day progressed we would wind our way out of desert and into mountains and then back again. 20 miles of tight switchbacks would suddenly turn into long, fast, extremely dusty sections. To manage the dust we would spread out or ride side by side. Each terrain change required new tactics to manage the dust and keep your airfilter clean. Along the roads were flowerbeds of "Loco" weeds. The Indians used to eat the weed and get "visions". Well, they certainly got jacked up by the powerful chemicals contained in the plants.

The biggest challenge of the day involved funding fuel. The was no gas on the route for over 200 miles. The only gas was in a town called Quemato which was a 40 mile detour. But, that's how is goes so we routed ourselves that way and picked up the precious supply of "Go juice". That and the important Gatorade (yellow of course), power bars, and trail mix.
After one very long and hot day we rolled into Grants NM for a hotel and a shower. Once again Mexican food was on the menu and it was GOOD! One funny thing, the resturant allowed vendors to come in and sell all kinds of odd items like bows and arrows, hand made blankets, and jewelry. Weird. All in all an epic day.

Big Sky Country!

Me chasing Barry in the ranch country.

A Self Portrait at Speed.

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